I bought this magazine at an antique shop last week. It cost four dollars. I looked, but did not find, an ad for the chicken cooker I'd heard about. The one that you hook up to the radiator of your car. You just add a chicken, drive to your destination, and when you arrive -- presto! A fully-cooked chicken.
Nonetheless, I do like the article about President Roosevelt's hobbies (stamp collecting and sailing. "As a boy President Roosevelt wanted to be a sailor, but his father sent him to Harvard..."). I like the NRA logo on the cover (not the National Rifle Association during the Depression). And the article about broadcasting at the South Pole (Admiral Byrd was the main character here). I also like the way the Gyroscope Monorail Car will soon travel across the nation at 300 miles an hour, and the way the happy commuters on the cover look down at the city traffic while the prop-driven ultra-streamlined vehicle goes right over a red light without even pausing.
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