Pushkar Camel Quiz

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It's too late to enter the Camel Fair Quiz. But here it is, as it was posted on this Web site previously, for historical purposes:

Pushkar Camel Fair

Maybe its going to be kind of like the Minnesota State Fair with camels. But in truth, we have no idea what we'll find when we arrive at the Pushkar Camel Fair on Thursday, the 6th of November. So, to keep amused until the big event, why not send in your guesses to the answers to the following questions. We'll try to find the correct answers at the Fair. To be honest, though, there's no certainty we'll find out, or even if these questions will make sense at all to a real camel-wallah. But go ahead and try anyway. Just send an email with your guess as to the following:

1. How much does a regular, production-quality camel cost? We're not talking about a BMW. But we're not talking about a used Jugo, either. Just a good, off-the-shelf, normal, usable Honda-Civic-class camel.

2. On the other hand, what will the most expensive camel sold at the Pushkar Camel Fair go for?

3. What is the maximum number of people that will be able to get on a single camel at the Pushkar Camel Fair?

Operators are standing by!

Watch this space for photos of the Camel Fair.

And here are the answers, as best we could find out:

1 and 2. The guy I asked said that the camel we were on right then had recently been purchased for 11,000 rupees. The most expensive would be about 60,000 rupees. At the current exchange rate, that's a range of $200 to $1200.

3. "Oh, 8, 9, 10 people."

1.: Pete 100 pounds; Josh $30; Glorian $200; Hank $50; Barb $77; Dave Cooper $1200
2.: Pete 300 pounds; Josh $140; Glorian $500; Hank $10,000; Barb $77; Dave Cooper $45,000
3.: Pete 29; Josh 23; Glorian 18; Hank 40; Barb 33; Dave Cooper 17


1. Glorian
2. Pete and Glorian are both way off, but closest.
3. Glorian

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