The address in India:
   EA-202, Jagadish Apt.
   TIFR Campus, Navy Nagar
   Homi Bhabha Road
   Mumbai - 400 005

Phone: (0091) 98194-19270

In late February, H. visited a family that he's helping to sponsor in rural Maharastra through Childreach.

This site most recently updated 3/6/04


A Day in the Life... A few notes on our life here.
News Item in Hindi. We made it into the local press when Glorian did some focus group work in some rural schools around Patna, in the state of Bihar.
Kites Over Bombay. You, who are freezing, are going to welcome the coming of spring. No one's freezing here, but we still welcome spring in our own way.
Movie about Kite Day from our Bombay cinematic studios.
Enter 2004. New Year's is a lot bigger deal than Christmas around here.
The Digs Around Aurangabad. It took about 400 years to chip Ellora and Ajanta out of the hillsides.
At Home in Bombay. Here's what it's like where we live.
Up in the Hills. A visit to a hill station.
Saturday Afternoon Fever. A QuickTime movie (1 Mb; may take a while to download) of religious pilgrims getting jolly and rowdy at the cliff temples at Karla one Saturday afternoon. Read about it here.
The Roads of Rajasthan. It ain't the Interstate. It's better.
Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Over 300 species of birds can be found in this park.
Ranthamborh Tiger Reserve. We went here for some hunting. Just kidding.
We got to Jaipur on November 9th.
Pushkar Fair. The Pushkar Fair in Rajasthan was, well, different. Read about it here.
The Weather Project. Here are some images of an installation that isn now at the Tate Modern in London.
London. We arrived in London just in time for Halloween.
Map. By popular request: here's the map of India you've been asking about. Some of the places mentioned on this Web site appear on it.
. We had a great going-away party just before leaving.


These links aren't all that relevant any more. But, like leftover murg tikka masala in the back of the fridge, we can't bear to throw them away.
Pushkar Camel Quiz. Try your skill.
Holiday Greetings. QuickTime movie.
Bombay Winter. QuickTime movie.

Welcome to our India Web site. Here is where you can see and read about what we've been up to. We plan to be in India until March 28. Mostly we'll be living in Mumbai (Bombay), but trips have taken place to Rajasthan, Goa, Puna, and schools in other towns. Glorian is working on her Fulbright here; Hank is working on his Web development business.

Be sure to keep in touch. Our e-mail addresses will stay the same as ever: and ; our phone numbers in Mumbai is (0091) 98194-19270. The address for those who use snail mail is EA-202, Jagadish Apt., TIFR Campus, Navy Nagar, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005, India. Bookmark this site! We'll have photos, news, and other stuff.

Web site by Keystroke Studios